Prescription drug abuse has been steadily increasing. One of the medications that is involved in this rise is Lyrica, a brand-name medicine of pregabalin for treating medical concerns like epilepsy and anxiety disorder. Due to its vast usage, Lyrica is frequently prescribed.
As of late, Lyrica has been under scrutiny for its potential to induce drug dependency and withdrawal symptoms as a result. Individuals struggling with Lyrica withdrawals must undergo drug detoxification to overcome this addiction and regain stability. If people have been taking the drug for long periods, withdrawing from Lyrica can be highly debilitating.
The withdrawal symptoms can range from minor to severe. Likewise, the duration and intensity may vary based on individual factors and how long the medication has been taken. Due to the intense grip that detoxifying from this drug can have on individuals, the safest route to safety and reclamation of one’s physical well-being is to undergo detoxification at a drug detox facility.
For more information on enrolling in a detox facility to overcome Lyrica withdrawal symptoms, continue reading below.
Safely Detoxing At A Drug Detox Center
To overcome withdrawal and break free from Lyrica addiction, a safe and effective detox must occur under the care and monitoring of medical staff. To safely overcome lyrica withdrawal symptoms, there must be supervision regarding tapering off of the drug as well as ensuring the patient’s well-being.
Additionally, to help ease the detox process, as well as provide lasting recovery, alternative therapies may be an integrative part of the detox process.
Common lyrica withdrawal symptoms
In addition to symptom observation, coping interventions are essential to recovery and management of emotional stress during this detoxification.
Some common physical symptoms of Lyrica withdrawal include:
- headaches
- nausea
- insomnia
- some combination of these lyrica withdrawal symptoms
Patients experiencing lyrica withdrawal symptoms may also endure psychological and emotional withdrawal symptoms, including:
- anxiety
- irritability
- depression
- mood swings
- anger
- crying spells without cause
Cognitive symptoms may also occur, including:
- a lack of concentration
- memory challenges
- brain fog
- forgetfulness
Note: It is essential to know that as the individual recovers, these symptoms also subside.
Putting The Protocols For Safety And Success In Place
Detoxing successfully from lyrica withdrawal symptoms requires drug elimination, triggered by the absence of a substance. The drug must leave the body entirely. During this time, because the body has become acquainted with the substance, it will express withdrawal symptoms in response to the absence of the medication.
A safe environment lined with 24-hour support is needed to withdraw safely and successfully. Gaining control and recovering from drug dependency and addiction is possible with the proper protocols and safety measures in place.
Contacting A Drug Detox Facility And Getting Help
If you or someone you care for is struggling with Lyrica withdrawal, contact a detox recovery center. With a supportive environment, the individual can recover and overcome addiction from Lyrica. Help yourself or those you love regain control of their lives by taking recovery seriously and getting the professional help that is needed.
Singh is an experienced spiritual writer and the resident author at With a deep passion for exploring the mystical aspects of life, Singh delves into various spiritual traditions, philosophies, and practices to inspire readers on their spiritual journeys.